Community Sessions

Session B

1:30 – 2:30 p.m.

Natasha Richardson

Room Eight

Cultivating the Capacity to Cope: How to Take Care of Yourself

Natasha Richardson, LPC

This presentation will provide the participants the opportunity to relax and reflect while strengthening their individual coping skills as a practitioner and promoting coping skills to the community they support.


  • Expand awareness of what it means to cope and how to create a toolkit of coping strategies.

  • Increase self-efficacy in personally utilizing coping skills.

  • Practice reflecting intentionally through journaling.

Angel Mendoza headshot

Room Nine

Mental Health and Substance Use in Teens

Angel Mendoza (Children’s Health)

The presentation will discuss mental health and substance use concerns that are currently prevalent in adolescents. I will discuss common mental health diagnoses and their symptoms as well as drugs that are trending in the adolescent community and what to look out for if you think a teen may be using drugs or alcohol. I will discuss appropriate resources and levels of care and also how to seek treatment for a teen that may be struggling with either mental health or substance use, whether or not the teen has insurance coverage.


  • Define common mental health disorders that are diagnosed in teens and how substance use can negatively impact mental health.

  • Discuss drugs that are commonly abused by teens and how they can be harmful to a developing adolescent.

  • Gain knowledge of community resources available to treat teens that are struggling with either mental health or substance use concerns.

Toni Gallegos headshot

Room Ten

La Pieza Que Falta: How Gender Roles and Cultural Norms Impacted how Latinas Learn about Sex

Toni Gallegos (UTA Ph.D. Candidate)

The purpose of the study was to increase knowledge around what Latinas learned about sex growing up. It was used to create foundational work for future research with this population. More importantly it is a means for members of the community to speak about their lived experiences surrounding sex education, gender roles, and growing up in their households.


  • Sex education

  • Generational silence

  • How we move forward

Tiffany Gomez headshot
Rebeca Henriquez (NAMI North Texas)




Room Eleven (En Español)

Compartiendo Esperanza: Mental Wellness in the Latinx Community

Tiffany Gomez (NAMI North Texas)

Rebeca Henriquez (NAMI North Texas)

Compartiendo Esperanza is a three-part video series that explores the journey of mental wellness in Hispanic/Latinx communities through dialogue, storytelling and a guided discussion on the following topics: Youth and Mental Wellness: “Sanando Juntos”/“Healing Together” Community Leaders and Mental Wellness: “Las Raíces de Nuestra Sanación”/“The Roots of Our Healing” Latinx Families and Mental Wellness: “La Mesa”/“The Table”.


  • Exploring the journey of mental wellness

  • Providing education or awareness of mental health in the Hispanic/Latinx communities

  • Coming together through personal experiences and storytelling to demonstrate that we are not alone.